El has been busy launching a Presidential Exploratory Committee, seeing if perchance he might be what this country is needing in 2012.
So far people have asked why El would run for President when he's already Ruler of the World. Good question, but really, dictators like to amass titles and medals and hats. El hears he can get a Nobel Peace Prize in the deal as well.
The fact that El is a cupcake has also been brought up. Does it say anywhere in the Constitution that the President must be human? El thinks history shows otherwise.
Questions have also arisen around El's possible choice of running mate... Das Shat. He's Canadian. Pffft! Canada is even closer to the DC than Alaska! Enough said.
As for eventually entering the race and actually winning? El says, "Piece of cake!"
El has been taking random suggestions for possible slogans. Feel free to add in the comments. Possible slogans so far?
Speak softly and carry a big squiggle.
Let them eat cake.
You can have your cake and elect it too.
What's not to like about cake!?
No chocolate shortages!
*The PR firm of RSFish was kind enough to knock out the above poster for El. El thinks it has a certain je ne sais quoi.
Where was El born?
Was any cooking involved in the process?
The people must be informed!
The beauty of El running is that basically, he doesn't have to answer any stupid-ass questions... he doesn't really even need to run, he just needs to move into the White House and turn it into Snackhambra... El can only imagine the questions he'll get then!!!
El hears that Mr. Thunder has vast connections with those political blog types. Perhaps Mr. Thunder can do El a favor down the line... all above board of course...
it has a certain je ne sais quoi.
It has a certain sens d'horreur indescriptible
They have my vote!
sens d'horreur indescriptible
Perhaps El will run that one up the flagpole as a possible slogan.
Snacktator/Shatner 2012
The snack that rules like a meal
I see fish is already busy hogging the competition...
I suppose, "Boldly going where no Shat has gone before!" is out... heaven forbid SMcG animate it... an animated Shat. AH!! Talk about horreur!
I'll have to think on a slogan. I know I've got one or two waiting in the wings. I just can't deal with the pressure.
A winning cream
You had me up until your choice of running mate. It has to be the Gaugin-destroying radio-head lady or NOBODY. make it so!
dunno about slogans, but you need Deforest Kelley saying "He's Snack cake, Jim" in a promo spot.
El doesn't take dictates... he gives them.
"Something that can't possibly exist, but it does."
but you need Deforest Kelley saying "He's Snack cake, Jim" in a promo spot.
EL-O-EL Mr. Zombie.
El will look into that.
El also misread that as "Defrost Kelly" and thought, was he into cryogenics??
I'm afraid I will be your unruliest subject.
"When the Zombocalypse comes, only Snack Cakes will survive"
the Gaugin-destroying radio-head lady
I'm not much into Radiohead.
I'm afraid I will be your unruliest subject.
A comb should be able to take care of that.
teh "SnackShat" bumper stickers will be ripe for vandalization.
El thinks SnackShat sounds like a B-52's song.
I'm afraid I will be your unruliest subject.
No, El thinks El is afraid.
Shat and Snack: Where does it say we have to be nice?
"Name Your Own Price"
"This snack will never go bad"
"At least OUR toupees look lifelike, Trump you cobag!"
At least OUR toupees look lifelike, Trump you cobag!
El is slightly embarassed by his Kirktator toupee. It kind of looks like he has a penis on his head. Who wants a snack cake with a penis on it?
Don't answer that.
El also likes:
This snack will never go bad!
Snackner/Shat-tator. We had a little accident with the transporter.
Beam Us Up, America!
I'm a dictator, not a delicious snack treat. Okay, I'm BOTH!!!
To baldly go where no toupee has gone before!
He's no Oreo.
-Michael Steele
you're going to Rocket to the top
El doesn't need software to point his power.
I would lose a lot of faith in El if I discovered he used Powerpoint.
See the power of positive thinking within you. Please follow my blog and read intersting and important posts/blogs about
El has no problem seeing the positive within him. He's wallowing in fabulousity! El suggests you follow his blog. You'll feel much better.
El doesn't need software to point his power.
El thinks there's a whole pharmaceutical industry working against the impotent rage of too much software.
When it goes to convention you know behind the scenes someone will push for ShatSnack.
Let. Them. EatCake!
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