El received notice that his #1 fan,
Dylan Brody, was again tweeting about him. El is not surprised. If El were not El, he'd be tweeting about him. Wait, El tweets about El even though El is El. Let's just end with it would be understandable if everyone were tweeting about El... what's not understandable is why they are not...

Another point that is not quite understandable is this "human alter-ego" thing. This confuses El. Human? Alter-ego? El can understand humans desiring to be him. It is El's world after all. But to suggest that El is not who he purports to be?? Well... perhaps Mr.. Brody is projecting!!!
Someone who apparently has all of the facts together would be this puffsnmuffs character... also found on teh Twitterwebs... El keeps reading it as "Puff N' Stuff"... but none the less, this puffing character is obviously well aware of El's influence and reach. El does tend to beam a ray of loveliness into the lives of those he deems to touch.

El would also like to point out that Shatner had a chance to bask in this glow, but ignored it... How's that working for you now, Bill?? Hmmm???
"On May 15, 2011, CBS announced that it had canceled
$#*! My Dad Says."
Altered egos.
(Not to be confused with altered Eggos.)
altered eggos
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