... well, except maybe Das Shat... Das Shat who never, ever acknowledged the wonder that is El. Come to think of it... neither did Connery! He was probably just jealous because El rocked the Zardoz singlet better than he ever did!
But who has acknowledged the power that is El?? That feeling of "bafflement and wonder" that only a nod from El can bring??
Yes, you know it... El's new BFF*... Dylan.
I give you exhibit A:

El understands. And... apparently Dylan knows upon which side his bread is buttered... or cupcake is frosted... although El's not really frosted because El's not angry... or El is frosted... just iced, you know? But not on ice. Oh never mind.
El has been spurned for so long that a little wind up his trench coat goes a long way.
Here's an actual video of El acting as Dylan. El thinks he did a pretty good job. Special note to ZRM... you'll appreciate the nod to correct grammar.
* until El, who often suffers from ADD or MSG, moves on...
El is totally worthy and deserving and such as of this honor.
frost yourself!
to be fair, Sean Connery probably doesn't remember MAKING Zardoz.
El is totally worthy and deserving and such as of this honor.
El fully agrees. As if there should be anything else?!?
K- El's not sure frosting oneself is appropriate. However, if one does frost oneself, El suggests not tweeting about it.
zrm- good point.
El has been spurned for so long that a little wind up his trench coat goes a long way.
Also do not tweet.
I am honored an delighted to be on the radar of as influential and powerful a cupcake as yourself. Also, your disguise in nearly perfect. In the video you looked JUST LIKE ME!
Dylan?? Are you stalking El??
El does look just like you, but feels naked w/out the squiggle.
El, I know you ARE Dylan. Dylan wears a trench coat.
Ms. Cat! One of El's favorite people... El is honored to have received a visit and a comment.
whoah. name checked by Dylan... I mean El.
Zombizzle IS somebody.
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